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Seller Information
Newport Coast, CA, USA
Pub. Date: 2012
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publis
Price: $71.11
Seller: Bonita, Newport Coast, CA, USA
Condition: New
This soldier training publication (STP) is intended for soldiers holding military occupation specialty (MOS) 63B, Skill Levels (SLs) 1, 2, and 3; their supervisors; trainers; and commanders. It contains an MOS Training Plan providing information needed to plan, conduct, and evaluate unit training, one of the most important jobs of military leaders. It includes standardized training objectives in the form of task summaries that can be used to train and evaluate soldiers on critical tasks supporting unit missions during wartime. Soldiers holding MOS 63B should have access to this publication. Trainers and first line supervisors should actively plan for soldiers' access, making it available in work areas, unit learning centers, and unit libraries. However, it is not intended for an individual copy to be provided to each MOS holder. The STP is obtainable on line from the Reimer Digital Library (RDL) at ... Tasks in this manual apply to both active Army and Reserve Component soldiers. The proponent of this publication is the Combined Arms Support Command (CASCOM).